As of December 1, 2024, approximately 539,500 individuals receive disability benefits, while around 188,300 individuals receive survivor benefits. The amounts of these payments depend on the disability group, the cause of the disability, the number of dependents, and the living wage, which is reviewed annually.
The State Social Insurance Fund (SSIF) also provides additional payments to participants in the mandatory social insurance system. During the same period, 101,100 individuals received assistance from the fund for loss of capacity to work, and about 67,200 families received support for loss of a breadwinner. These payments are calculated individually, taking into account income over the past two years, years of participation in the system, and other factors.
Starting in January 2024, the amounts for disability and survivor benefits increased by 7% due to the rise in the living wage. Similarly, payments from the SSIF also increased. For example, disability benefits amount to:
- 95,496 tenge for Group 1,
- 76,397 tenge for Group 2,
- 52,089 tenge for Group 3.
The average amount of payments from the SSIF currently stands at 59,826 tenge for loss of capacity to work and 64,619 tenge for loss of a breadwinner. These payments supplement the benefits provided from the national budget.