According to the official Telegram channel of the agency, they were members of terrorist organizations in Syria from 2020 to 2022.
As a result of operations conducted in collaboration with foreign partners, they were located abroad, brought back to their homeland, and arrested.
One of them, a resident of the Turkestan region, was found guilty of participating in the activities of a terrorist group (Article 257 of the Criminal Code).
The second individual, a resident of Atyrau, was convicted for committing a similar crime, as well as for undergoing terrorist training abroad (Article 260 of the Criminal Code).
Both individuals received different sentences, which have come into legal force.
It should be noted that according to Article 257 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan, participation in the activities of a terrorist group or in acts of terrorism committed by it is punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight to twelve years with property confiscation.
Furthermore, in accordance with Article 260 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan, undergoing training, including outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at acquiring skills and knowledge to commit terrorist or extremist crimes is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years with or without property confiscation.